Mobile has the most mortgage delinquencies in Alabama
Here in Mobile, we have a lot of things to pride ourselves on compared to the rest of the state. The weather is better, the seafood is great, and we have Mardi Gras and the beach. But alas, there is one area where Mobile is doing worse than the rest of Alabama: mortgage deliqnuencies. A recent report by Alex Walsh for the Mobile Register and found that in Mobile, 8.19% of mortgage borrowers are at least 90 days behind on their payments. This compares to only 5.6% in Birmingham, 5.82% in Montgomery, and a nationwide average of 6.01%. What is really sad is that last year it was even worse: over 9%!
But there is good news: because so many homes are delinquent, it takes a bit longer for foreclosures to happen here. So if you are one of the many folks in the Mobile and Baldwin County area who are behind on their mortgage, you still have time to come and discuss your options with a bankruptcy attorney. We can explain how foreclosure works and help you do what you need to do to keep your home (or get rid of it without suffering a major financial disaster).